
Join the Dazzle4Rare Movement

We need more than advocacy, we need a movement.

Our Mission

#Dazzle4Rare is a cross-community awareness week for undiagnosed and rare diseases. It allows communities of all sizes to share messages and reach a wider audience. By sharing messages with other communities, they can reach your audience and vice versa. Past events can be viewed on Facebook and through the social media hashtag since 2016. The goal is for organizations, advocacy groups, advocates, and patients to exchange crucial messages and extend their reach beyond their community. It’s an ongoing conversation and not meant as a means for preaching to the choir but rather for working together as one large community for the benefit of all. It takes effort and communication, but it’s worth increasing the reach of every message.

Dazzle4Rare text-only logo on white background. It reads, "Dazzle4Rare We are Rare Family dazzle4rare.net"

site Search

Black text on white background. Signalise text-only logo reads, "Signalise a dazzle4rare podcast"