Tag: rare disease

  • Preparing for Dazzle4Rare 2023

    Preparing for Dazzle4Rare 2023

    It’s almost time for Dazzle4Rare (D4R) again in August! Hoping you and your team are doing great! A refresher, D4R is an event where non-profit organizations and condition advocates share each other’s messages on social media. The goal is to reach more people than ever across work, family, and friend networks.

A Symplur screenshot showing 2021 hashtag Twitter social media impressions for the event week.

Timeline Impressions


Twitter Timeline Impressions


A screenshot of Dazzle4Rare 2022 Twitter impressions courtesy of Simplur, the healthcare hashtag tracker. The image shows "The numbers" 9.477 million impressions, 3,979 tweets, 239 particpants, 21 average tweets per hour, and 17 average tweets per participant.
Dazzle4Rare text-only logo on white background. It reads, "Dazzle4Rare We are Rare Family dazzle4rare.net"

site Search

Black text on white background. Signalise text-only logo reads, "Signalise a dazzle4rare podcast"